
GoodShop has been a family-owned, designer furniture institution in Western Australia since 1997. Having established a solid reputation built on honesty and integrity, designFARM offer their customers a genuine experience. We believe in good, authentic design, in order to do what we do best – create meaningful spaces. You won’t find any replica’s here – we only source original furniture, which is made under license. Why? Because we want your furniture to last a lifetime, as well as its story.

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Why choose us

Deals & Promotions

Western Australia since 1997. Having established a solid reputation built on honesty and integrity, designFARM offer their customers a genuine experience. We believe in good, authentic design, in order to do what we do best – create meaningful spaces. You won’t find any replica’s here

Transaction Service Agreement

Western Australia since 1997. Having established a solid reputation built on honesty and integrity, designFARM offer their customers a genuine experience. We believe in good, authentic design, in order to do what we do best – create meaningful spaces. You won’t find any replica’s here

Organization & Technical Support

Western Australia since 1997. Having established a solid reputation built on honesty and integrity, designFARM offer their customers a genuine experience. We believe in good, authentic design, in order to do what we do best – create meaningful spaces. You won’t find any replica’s here

What people are saying

Lorem enim et luctus hendrelibero mole stie ante, ut fringilla purus eros quisent ipsum. Aliquam bidum. Thank you!

Vincent Vanilla

happy customer

Lorem enim et luctus hendrelibero mole stie ante, ut fringilla purus eros quisent ipsum. Aliquam bidum. Thank you!

Gregor Red

loyal customer

Lorem enim et luctus hendrelibero mole stie ante, ut fringilla purus eros quisent ipsum. Aliquam bidum. Thank you!

Alexander Green

happy customer

Lorem enim et luctus hendrelibero mole stie ante, ut fringilla purus eros quisent ipsum. Aliquam bidum. Thank you!

Vincent Vanilla

happy customer

Lorem enim et luctus hendrelibero mole stie ante, ut fringilla purus eros quisent ipsum. Aliquam bidum. Thank you!

Gregor Red

loyal customer

Lorem enim et luctus hendrelibero mole stie ante, ut fringilla purus eros quisent ipsum. Aliquam bidum. Thank you!

Alexander Green

happy customer

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